Index 457
Outlook Mobile. See Messaging application
overdue tasks 272
owner information 358
Palm online support 14
Palm OS devices 374
Panorama mode 230, 233, 235
partnerships 216, 387, 407
pass codes 37
passkeys 216
Password type list 357
accessing accounts and 38
accessing information and 356
accessing voicemail and 37, 85
accessing WorldMate Pro and 194
changing 38
connecting to Exchange servers and 127
connecting to Wi-Fi networks and 205,
dialing emergency numbers and 79
enabling voice commands and 349
entering 63, 358
forgetting 357, 358
formatting 357
locking device and 358
losing 357, 358
opening PDF files and 308
opening spreadsheets and 293
receiving email and 130, 132
saving 134
sending instant messages and 180
PCs. See computers
PDF files 308–311
personal identification numbers (PINs) 357
personal information 38, 356, 358
personal information managers 392, 407
adjusting volume 36, 98
answering 83, 91, 103
connecting to Internet and 88
dialing 76–80
disabling touch-sensitivity for 355, 356
enabling voice commands for 350–352
getting assistance with 15, 16
getting forwarding codes for 90
getting started with 35
maximizing battery and 29
monitoring status of 106
personalizing 96–104
playing music and 84
running applications and 87, 88
setting ringtones for 96–97
silencing ringer for 84
oubleshooting 386, 404
turning on and off 34
unlocking touchscreen for 88
waking up screen for 87
Phone application 87, 221
Phone as Modem feature 115, 407
phone calls
ending 89
forwarding 90
holding 91
making 76–80, 165