Index 444
setting up Internet Sharing for 116–117
synchronizing device with 40, 44–48, 337,
conference calls 92
confidential information 268
Configure Server command 126
Configure Wireless Networks screen 206,
207, 208
Connect via Bluetooth command 336
Connect via IR command 337
See also Internet connections
accessing corporate servers and 366, 396
accessing GPS devices and 200, 201
closing data service 222, 368
customizing remote 329
device to PCs 40
making phone calls and 102
maximizing battery and 28, 29, 129
playing media files and 253
resetting device and 357, 377
retrieving email and 124, 134, 139, 152
retrieving multimedia messages and 172
roaming and 104–106
setting up Bluetooth 214–216
setting up Exchange server 125, 332–334
setting up VPN 366–367
starting manually 367
synchronizing over USB 48
synchronizing over wireless 41, 129, 335,
336, 337
timing out 395
troubleshooting 383–387
accessing 88
adding 142, 169, 174, 258
assigning pictures 98, 242, 258
assigning ringtones 98, 258
automatically entering info for 78
changing information for 259
deleting 261
dialing phone numbers for 77, 79, 92
entering multiple 258
filtering 260
getting addresses for 143, 144, 261
looking up 77, 144, 259
saving information for 89, 142
searching messages for 145
sending information for 163, 262
sending messages to 137, 159, 161
setting display options for 261
transferring to car kits 96
viewing information about 81, 167, 259,
Contacts application 258–261
tacts list 159, 261
Contacts picture mode 230, 233
contrast 242
cookies 191, 193
addresses 391
applications 326
files 227, 281, 290, 318, 326
numbers 277
phone numbers 78, 80
pictures or videos 240