Index 451
Today screen 106
video modes 233
voicemail 85, 86
Web pages 184
Wi-Fi connections 206
IEEE network access option 210
Ignore command 84
IM messages. See instant messages
image files 161, 237
See also images; media files
image properties (camera) 236
images 142, 189, 400, 403
See also pictures
IMAP accounts 129–135, 141
Inbox 73, 139, 168, 170
indicator light 21, 26
backing up 374, 387
draining battery and 29
entering 61, 62–67
performing hard resets and, caution 377
protecting 38, 328, 354, 356
restoring 374, 377
searching 316
sending 217, 220
setting input options for 352–354
sharing 322–323
storing on expansion cards 323, 326, 404
transferring from previous devices 374
updating 331
infrared port 24
infrared transmissions
defined 406
sending information over 218, 220, 337
troubleshooting 381
input options 67, 352–354
Insert Recording command 306
Instant Messaging application 178
Media Player 42, 246
Outlook application 41
synchronization software 40, 41, 44, 46
third-party applications 318–321, 402
Treo smartphone 20
troubleshooting 377
VPN clients 366
WorldMate Pro 194
instant messages
sending 176, 178
setting community options for 182
setting up accounts for 179
signing in to 181
Instant Messaging application 178–182
instant messaging services 179
internal memory. See memory
international dialing preferences 101–102
ernational travel adapters 369
Internet connections
See also Web pages; Web sites
clearing browsing history for 193
closing 187
freeing internal memory and 403
making phone calls and 88
opening 184, 365
setting privacy settings for 191
setting up 116–118, 365