Chapter 2 Function Reference — AI_Read
National Instruments Corporation 2-13 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
Note NI-DAQ does not distinguish between the low-gain and high-gain versions of the
you enter a gain of 10 and you have a device with gains of 1, 2, 4,
and 8, a gain of 2 actually is used and no error is returned.
reading is the integer in which NI-DAQ returns the 12-bit or 16-bit result of the A/D
Range: 0 to 4,095 (12-bit devices, unipolar mode).
–2,048 to 2,047 (12-bit devices, bipolar mode).
0 to 65,535 (16-bit devices, unipolar mode).
–32,768 to 32,767 (16-bit devices, bipolar mode).
Note C Programmers—reading is a pass-by-reference parameter.
Using This Function
AI_Read addresses the specified analog input channel, changes the input gain to the specified
gain setting, and initiates an A/D conversion.
AI_Read waits for the conversion to complete
and returns the result. If the conversion does not complete within a reasonable time, the call
AI_Read is said to have timed out and the timeOutError code is returned.