Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Set_Config
National Instruments Corporation 2-359 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
24: SCXI-1162HV.
28: SCXI-1163R.
30: SCXI-1102.
32: SCXI-1141.
42: VXI-SC-1102.
44: VXI-SC-1150.
68: SCXI-1120D.
Any other value for an element of the modulesPresent array indicates that a module that is
unfamiliar to NI-DAQ (such as a custom-built module) is present in the corresponding slot.
operatingModes is an array of length numSlots that indicates the operating mode of each
module in the modulesPresent array—multiplexed or parallel. Refer to Chapter 13, SCXI
Hardware, of the DAQ Hardware Overview Guide for an explanation of each operating
mode. If any of the slots are empty (indicated by a value of –1 in the corresponding element
of the modulesPresent array), NI-DAQ ignores the corresponding element in the
operatingModes array.
0: Multiplexed operating mode.
1: Parallel operating mode.
2: Parallel operating mode using the secondary connector of the DAQ device.
connectionMap is an array of length numSlots that describes the connections between the
SCXI chassis and the DAQ devices in the PC. For each module present in the chassis, you
must specify the device number of the DAQ device that is cabled to the module, if there is
one. For the SCXI-1200 module, you should specify the logical device number of the module.
If any of the slots are empty (indicated by a value of -1 in the corresponding element of the
modulesPresent array), NI-DAQ ignores the corresponding element of the connectionMap
array. The commPath parameter value must be one of the DAQ device numbers specified in
this array.
0: No DAQ device is cabled to the module.
n:where n is the device number of the DAQ device cabled to the module.
Using This Function
The configuration information that was saved to disk by the configuration utility will remain
unchanged; this function changes only the configuration in the current application. Any
subsequent calls to
SCXI_Load_Config will reload the configuration from the configuration
Remember, the hardware state of the chassis is not affected by this function; you should use
SCXI_Reset function to reset the hardware states. Refer to the SCXI_Reset function
description for a listing of the default states of the chassis and modules.