Chapter 2 Function Reference — AI_Check
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-4
National Instruments Corporation
Using This Function
AI_Check checks the status of the analog input circuitry. If the device has performed an A/D
AI_Check returns readingAvailable = 1 and the A/D conversion result.
AI_Check returns readingAvailable = 0.
AI_Setup, in conjunction with AI_Check and AI_Clear, is useful for externally timed A/D
conversions. Before you call
AI_Setup, you can call AI_Clear to clear out the A/D FIFO
of any previous conversion results. The device then performs a conversion each time the
device receives a pulse at the appropriate pin. You can call
AI_Check to check for and return
available conversion results.
You cannot use this function if you have an SC-2040 connected to your DAQ