Chapter 2 Function Reference — DIG_In_Port
National Instruments Corporation 2-175 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = DIG_In_Port (deviceNumber, port, pattern)
Returns digital input data from the specified digital I/O port.
Parameter Discussion
port is the digital I/O port number.
Range: 0 or 1 for the AT-AO-6/10, DAQCard-500/700, PC-TIO-10, PC-OPDIO-16,
516 devices, AO-2DC, Am9513-based MIO devices, and LPM devices.
0 for the E Series devices, except the AT-MIO-16DE-10.
0 through 2 for the DIO-24 and Lab and 1200 Series devices.
0 and 2 through 4 for the AT-MIO-16DE-10.
0 through 3 for the VXI-AO-48XDC.
0 through 4 for the DIO-32F, DIO 6533 (DIO-32HS), and AT-MIO-16D.
0 through 11 for the DIO-96.
0 through 15 for the VXI-DIO-128.
0 for the PCI-4451 and PCI-4452.
0 through 3 for the PCI-4551 and PCI-4552.
pattern returns the 8-bit digital data read from the specified port. NI-DAQ maps pattern to
the digital input lines making up the port such that bit 0, the least significant bit, corresponds
to digital input line 0. The high eight bits of pattern are always 0. If the port is less than eight
bits wide, NI-DAQ also sets the bits in the low-order byte of pattern that do not correspond
to lines in the port to 0. For example, because ports 0 and 1 on the Am9513-based boards are
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
port i16 digital I/O port number
Name Type Description
pattern i16 8-bit digital data read from the specified port