Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Get_State
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-340
National Instruments Corporation
status = SCXI_Get_State (SCXIChassisID, moduleSlot, port, channel, data)
Gets the state of a single channel or an entire port on a digital or relay SCXI module.
Parameter Discussion
port is the port number of the module to be read from. Currently, all of the SCXI modules
support only Port 0.
channel is the channel number on the specified port.
n: Read from a single channel.
SCXI-1160: 0 <
n < 16.
SCXI-1161: 0 <
n < 8.
SCXI-1162: 0 <
n < 32.
SCXI-1162HV: 0 <
n < 32.
SCXI-1163: 0 <
n < 32.
SCXI-1163R: 0 <
n < 32.
–1: Read the state pattern from an entire port.
Name Type Description
SCXIChassisID i16 chassis ID number
moduleSlot i16 module slot number
port i16 port of the module to write to (all current modules
support only Port 0)
channel i16 channel of the specified port to read from
Name Type Description
data u32 Contains data read from a single channel or a
digital pattern for an entire port