Chapter 2 Function Reference — DAQ_Monitor
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-126
National Instruments Corporation
status = DAQ_Monitor (deviceNumber, channel, sequential, numPts, monitorBuffer,
newestPtIndex, daqStopped)
Returns data from an asynchronous data acquisition in progress. During a multiple-channel
acquisition, you can retrieve data from a single channel or from all channels being scanned.
An oldest/newest mode provides for return of sequential (oldest) blocks of data or return of
the most recently acquired (newest) blocks of data.
Parameter Discussion
channel is the number of the channel you want to examine. You can choose to set channel to
a value of –1 to indicate that you want to examine data from all channels being scanned. If
channel is not equal to –1, channel must be equal to the channel selected in
equal to one of the channels selected in
SCAN_Setup, or equal to one of the channels implied
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
channel i16 number of the channel
sequential i16 enables or disables the return of consecutive or
oldest blocks of data
numPts u32 number of data points you want to retrieve
Name Type Description
monitorBuffer [i16] destination buffer for the data
newestPtIndex u32 offset into the acquisition buffer of the newest
point returned
daqStopped i16 indicates whether the data acquisition has