Chapter 2 Function Reference — DIG_DB_Config
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-158
National Instruments Corporation
status = DIG_DB_Config (deviceNumber, group, dbMode, oldDataStop, partialTransfer)
Enables or disables double-buffered digital transfer operations and sets the double-buffered
Parameter Discussion
group is the group to be configured.
Range: 1 or 2.
dbMode indicates whether to enable or disable the double-buffered mode of digital transfer.
0: Disable double buffering (default).
1: Enable double buffering.
oldDataStop is a flag whose value enables or disables the mechanism whereby the function
stops the digital block output when NI-DAQ is about to output old data a second time. For
digital block input, oldDataStop enables or disables the mechanism whereby the function
stops the input operation before NI-DAQ overwrites unretrieved data.
0: Allow regeneration of data.
1: Disallow regeneration of data.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
group i16 group
dbMode i16 enable or disable double-buffered mode
oldDataStop i16 enable or disable regeneration of old data
partialTransfer i16 enable or disable transfer of final partial half