C H A P T E R 5 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Alarms and Monitoring Commands
Command Description
set alarms Enable all or a selection of the 7115’s alarms.
Intel 7115> set alarms
<all> enables all five of the 7115’s alarms.
<esc> enables the Encryption Status Change Alarm.
<rsc> enables the Refused SSL Connection Alarm
<utl> enables the Utilization Threshold Alarm
<ovl> enables the Overload Alarm
<nls> enables the Network Link Status Alarm
To disable all alarms, use none:
Intel 7115> set alarms all
Intel 7115> show alarms
Alarms set: esc rsc utl ovl nls
show alarms Display the list of currently enabled alarms.
Intel 7115> set alarms none
Intel 7115> show alarms
Alarms set:
NOTE: When no alarms are set (i.e., when none is specified in set
alarms), the display shows an empty field.
set rsc_window Set interval (window) at which the device checks for refused SSL
connections and, if any are detected, issues an RSC Alarm.
(Range: 5-65000 seconds, default: 15)
Intel 7115> set rsc_window <sec>
where <sec> is the number of seconds of the desired interval.