C H A P T E R 4 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
4. Create a mapping for Server 2. As in the previous step, use the
create map command to specify the server IP address, ports for
the second server, and the keyID.
Intel 7115>create map
Server IP:
SSL (network) port [443]: <Enter>
Cleartext (server) port [80]: <Enter>
KeyID to use for mapping: myserver
5. Use the list map command to view the mapping. (Multiple keys
and certificates can also be imported and each mapped to
individual servers. If you do this, at least one field in the
certificate information—usually the common name—must be
Intel 7115> list map
Map Net Ser Cipher Re- Client
ID KeyID Server IP Port Port Suites direct Auth
== ===== ========= ==== ==== ====== ===== ====
1 default Any 443 80 all(v2+v3) n n
2 myserver 443 80 med(v2+v3) n n
3 myserver 443 80 med(v2+v3) n n
Intel 7115>
6. After you have manually created a mapping, the default mapping
can be deleted. In this case, delete MapID number 1. MapID
number 2 becomes MapID number 1 when the default is deleted.
Intel 7115>delete map 1
Intel 7115>list map
Map Net Ser Cipher Re- Client
ID KeyID Server IP Port Port Suites direct Auth
== ===== ========= ==== ==== ====== ===== ====
1 myserver 443 80 med(v2+v3) n n
2 myserver 443 80 med(v2+v3) n n
Intel 7115>
7. To configure a third or fourth web server to operate with the
7110/7115, repeat the steps above, specifying a different IP
address for each server.