C H A P T E R 7 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
FNTB: indicates front panel-controlled
FNTI: indicates front panel-controlled
APPR: indicates application restart
RSC: Refused SSL Connections
When enabled, an alarm is generated whenever SSL connections are
refused for cipher suite mismatch or client certificate authentication
failure during the current user-specified period (5 to 65000 seconds,
default: 15 seconds). The total number of refused SSL connections is
reported along with the reason for refusal. This alarm can be enabled
or disabled at the CLI.
A: identifies the message as an alarm.
yyyymmddhhmmss: is the timestamp.
RSC: identifies the message as an Refused
SSL Connections Alarm.
Alarm Modifiers and Messages
CSMM: Cipher suite mismatch
CCAF: Client certificate authenticate
Extended Data
XXX: An integer value indicating the number
of refused SSL connections that occurred in
the current alarm period.
RSC Alarm CLI Commands
To set Overload Alarm time window:
set rsc_window <seconds> (Range: 5-65000,
default: 15)