C H A P T E R 5 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Administration Commands
Command Description
password Set the password.
Intel 7115> password
Old password:<xxxxx>
Enter new admin password (5 chars min.):<yyyyy>
Retype new password:<yyyyy>
admin Password changed...
Intel 7115>
show info Display software version information.
Intel 7115> show info
=== Intel(R) NetStructure(tm) 7115
e-Commerce Accelerator
=== Copyright (c) 2000 Intel Corporation
=== All rights reserved.
=== Version 2.3, Build xxx
set date Set the date and time.
WARNING: Execution of this command reboots the 7115.
Intel 7115> set date
Year [2000]:
Month [2]:
Day [16]:
Hour (24 hour clock) [15]:
Minute [10]:
The system must reboot for changes to take
affect. Reboot [y]: n
Intel 7115>
show date Displays current date and time.