C H A P T E R 6 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Remote Telnet Sessions
This section contains procedures for accessing the 7110/7115’s CLI
via remote Telnet session.
Local Serial Console
Assign an IP address to the 7110/7115’s network interface using the
following procedure:
Intel 7115> set ip
Enter IP []:
Enter Netmask []:
Verify the IP and netmask (optional):
Intel 7115> show ip
System IP Address : None
System Netmask : None
Intel 7115>
Enable remote Telnet sessions:
Intel 7115> set telnet enable
Configure the network route:
Intel 7115> set route
Enter Default Route (’none’ to delete)
[] : <enter>
Verify the route configuration (optional):
Intel 7115> show route
Default Route :
Delete a route configuration (optional):
Intel 7115> set route none
NOTE: To ensure that
this remote management
configuration persists
across a device shutdown
and startup, run the
config save command.
Remote Telnet management is now enabled and configured on the
7110/7115. Now you can access the CLI from a remote Telnet