C H A P T E R 7 Alarm Types
OVL: Overload Alarm
WARNING: This alarm
indicates loss of encryp-
When enabled, an alarm is issued upon occurence of overloads
resulting in spills or throttles during the current user-configured
alarm period (5 to 65000 seconds, default: 15 seconds).
A: identifies the message as an alarm.
yyyymmddhhmmss: is the timestamp.
OVL: identifies the message as an Overload
Alarm Modifiers and Messages:
SPIL: indicates overload resulting in a
spill. Message: Spill mode.
THRT: indicates overload resulting in a
throttle. Message: Throttle mode.
Extended Data:
XXX: An integer value indicating the total
number of overload events that occurred
during the most recent alarm period.
OVL Alarm CLI Commands:
To set Overload Alarm time window:
Intel 7115> set ovl_window <seconds> (Range:
5-65000, default: 15)
To display Overload Alarm time window:
Intel 7115> show ovl_window
Intel 7115> set ovl_window 10
Intel 7115> show ovl_window
Check for overload conditions [sec]: 10