C H A P T E R 8 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
4. Use the ‘cu’ program to connect to the 7110/7115 (Device name
may vary depending on your operating system).
cu –l /dev/cuaa0 –s 115200
5. Log in to the 7110/7115.
6. Type the import upgrade command. At the prompt, press u or
type uudecode.
Intel 7115>import upgrade
Import protocol: (xmodem, uudecode)
[xmodem]: u
Type or paste in data, end with ... alone on
7. To send the uuencoded file use the “~>” command.
Verifying upgrade image...
Upgrade image valid
=== Release x.x
=== Load xx, Fri Aug 25 05:31:51 2000
WARNING: All saved
logs will be deleted and
the system will reboot
upon successful
completion of the
8. Press y (for yes) at the “Continue with upgrade?” prompt.
Continue with upgrade? [n]: y
System rebooting...done
Command: import patch
1. Download the patch file (assume the name is nn.patch) to the
local Unix§ machine.
2. Uuencode the patch file.
uuencode nn.patch nn.patch >nn.uu
3. Connect the serial cable to the 7110/7115 auxiliary console.
4. Use the ‘cu’ program to connect to the 7110/7115 (Device name
may vary depending on your operating system).
cu –l /dev/cuaa0 –s 115200
5. Log in to the 7110/7115.