
When the vehicle is delivered, please show the user where this switch is located
and how to disarm the system with it.
Ensure that the location you pick for the switch has sufficient clearance to the rear. The switch should be well
hidden. It should be placed so passengers or stored items (such as in a glove box or center console) cannot acci-
dentally hit it. The switch fits into a
/32-inch hole.
This system has Remote Valet. The user can enter and exit Valet® Mode without having to reach the
Valet®/Program switch. This feature was introduced so that switch location was less critical in day-to-day use.
As long as the Valet®/Program switch can be reached to disarm without a transmitter, easy access is not important.
TThhiinnggss ttoo rreemmeemmbbeerr wwhheenn ppoossiittiioonniinngg tthhee SSttaattuuss LLEEDD::
It should be visible from both sides and the rear of the vehicle, if possible.
It needs at least
/2-inch clearance to the rear.
It is easiest to remove a small panel, such as a switch blank or a dash bezel, before drilling a
/32-inch hole.
Use quick-disconnects near the LED wires if the panel is removable. This lets mechanics or other installers
remove the panel without cutting the wires.
llooccaattiioonnss ffoorr tthhee ssttaattuuss LLEEDD
llooccaattiioonnss ffoorr vvaalleett//pprrooggrraamm sswwiittcchh