
This wire is used in vehicles that have a positive (+) switched dome light circuit. Connect the violet wire to a
wire that shows (+)12V when any door is opened, and ground when the door is closed. This wire will report Zone 3.
Remove any paint and connect this wire to bare metal, preferably with a factory bolt rather than your own screw.
(Screws tend to either strip or loosen with time.) We recommend grounding all your components, including the
siren, to the same point in the vehicle.
Connect this to the red wire of the siren. Connect the black wire of the siren to (-) chassis ground, preferably at
the same point you connected the control module’s black ground wire.
HH11//1100 BBRROOWWNN ((++)) ssiirreenn oouuttppuutt
HH11//88 BBLLAACCKK ((--)) cchhaassssiiss ggrroouunndd ccoonnnneeccttiioonn
HH11//77 VVIIOOLLEETT ((++)) ddoooorr ttrriiggggeerr iinnppuutt,, zzoonnee 33