
SShhoocckk sseennssoorr ddooeessnn''tt ttrriiggggeerr tthhee aallaarrmm::
Has the NPC™ system been triggered? If so, you will hear 5 chirps when disarming. To check this, turn the igni-
tion key on and off to clear the NPC™'s memory, and then retest the shock sensor. For a detailed description of
NPC™, see
Nuisance Prevention Circuitry
section of this guide.
DDoooorr iinnppuutt ddooeess nnoott iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ttrriiggggeerr ffuullll aallaarrmm.. IInnsstteeaadd,, cchhiirrppss aarree hheeaarrdd ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt 33 sseecco
That's how the progressive two-stage door input works! This is a feature of this system. This is an instant trigger,
remember, since even if the door is instantly closed again, the progression from chirps to constant siren will continue.
CClloossiinngg tthhee ddoooorr ttrriiggggeerrss tthhee ssyysstteemm,, bbuutt ooppeenniinngg tthhee ddoooorr ddooeess nnoott::
Have you correctly identified the type of door switch system? This happens often when the wrong door input
has been used. (See
Door Lock Harness Wire Connection Guide
section of this guide.)
SSyysstteemm wwiillll nnoott ppaassssiivveellyy aarrmm uunnttiill iitt iiss rreemmootteellyy aarrmmeedd aanndd tthheenn ddiissaarrmmeedd::
Are the door inputs connected? Is the H1/6 blue wire connected to the door trigger wire in the vehicle? Either
the H1/5 green or the H1/7 violet should be used instead. (See wiring diagrams.)
DDoooorr iinnppuutt ddooeess nnoot
t rreessppoonndd wwiitthh tthhee pprrooggrreessssiivvee ttrriiggggeerr,, bbuutt wwiitthh iimmmmeeddiiaattee ffuullll aallaarrmm::
Does the Status LED indicate that the trigger was caused by the shock sensor? (See
section of this
guide.) The shock sensor, if set to extreme sensitivity, may be detecting the door unlatching before the door
switch sends its signal. Reducing the sensitivity can solve this problem.
TThhee VVaalleett®®//PPrrooggrraamm sswwiittcchh ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk..
Is it plugged into the correct socket? See
Plug-In LED and Valet®/Program Switch
section of this guide.
SSttaattuuss LLEEDD ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk..
You've probably guessed already, but here goes: Is it plugged in? (See
Plug-In LED and Valet®/Program Switch
section of this guide.) Is the LED plugged into the correct socket?
DDoooorr lloocckkss ooppeerraattee bbaacckkwwaarrddss..
This unit has easily-reversed lock/unlock outputs. Recheck wire connections to see if you have reversed these.
aallaarrmm ttrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg