
Connect this wire to the optional domelight supervision relay as shown below:
This output is only intended to drive a relay. It cannot be connected directly to
the domelight circuit, as the output cannot support the current draw of one or more light bulbs.
Most vehicles use negative door trigger circuits. Connect the green wire to a wire which shows ground when any
door is opened. In vehicles with factory delays on the domelight circuit, there is usually a wire that is unaf-
fected by the delay circuitry. This wire will report Zone 3.
Inputs shorter than 0.8 seconds will trigger the Warn Away response, while inputs longer than 0.8 seconds will
trigger the full alarm sequence. If installing an optional Directed Electronics dual stage sensor, connect both
the blue and the green wires of the optional sensor to this input. This wire will report Zone 4.
HH11//66 BBLLUUEE ((--)) mmuullttiipplleexx iinnppuutt,, zzoonnee 44
HH11//55 GGRREEEENN ((--)) ddoooorr ttrriiggggeerr iinnppuutt,, zzoonnee 33
HH11//44 BBLLAACCKK//WWHHIITTEE ((--)) 220000 mmAA ddoommeelliigghhtt ssuuppeerrvviissiioonn oouuttppuutt