
pplluugg--iinn LLEEDD aanndd vvaalleett//pprrooggrraamm sswwiittcchh
These plug into the module. The Status LED plugs into the small two-pin socket, while the Valet® /Program
Switch should be plugged into the larger blue two-pin connector. The Status LED fits into a
/32-inch hole.
SSttaattuuss LLEEDD VVaalleett®®//PPrrooggrraamm SSwwiittcchh
pprrooggrraammmmeerr iinntteerrffaaccee,, 33--ppiinn bbllaacckk pplluugg
The black 3-pin port is provided for programming of the unit. The unit can also be programmed using the
ProSecurity Programmer. When using the ProSecurity Programmer, it is possible to configure any and all of the
programmable functions as well as lock the Transmitter/Receiver and System Features Learn Routines so that
unauthorized users cannot change the configuration or program transmitters to the unit.
When the learn routines have previously been programmed using the ProSecurity Programmer, they may
have been locked. Before proceeding with reprogramming the learn routines, they must be unlocked with
the ProSecurity Programmer - this cannot be done manually with the Valet switch.