sseeccoonnddaarryy hhaarrnneessss ((HH22)) wwiirree ccoonnnneeccttiioonn gguuiiddee
This wire sends a negative pulse every time the remote start is activated or the doors are unlocked. This can be
used to pulse the disarm wire of the vehicle's factory anti-theft device. Use a relay to send a (-) or (+) pulse to
the disarm wire as shown in the following diagrams.
RReellaayy ffoorr NNeeggaattiivvee ((--)) DDiissaarrmm WWiirree RReellaayy ffoorr PPoossiittiivvee ((++)) DDiissaarrmm WWiirree
This wire sends a negative pulse every time the remote start shuts down or the doors are locked. This can be
used to pulse the arm wire of the vehicle's factory anti-theft device. Use a relay to send a (-) or (+) pulse to the
arm wire.
This wire provides 200 mA programmable output. (See
Feature Descriptions
section of this guide.)
Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input! This tran-
sistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a solenoid, motor, or other
high-current device will cause the module to fail.
This wire provides 200 mA programmable output. (See
Feature Descriptions
section of this guide.)
Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input! This tran-
sistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a solenoid, motor, or other
high-current device will cause the module to fail.
HH22//44 VVIIOOLLEETT//BBLLAACCKK cchhaannnneell 55 oouuttppuutt
HH22//33 GGRREEEENN//WWHHIITTEE 220000 mmAA ((--)) pprrooggrraammmmaabbllee cchhaannnneell 44 oouuttppuutt
HH22//22 GGRRAAYY//BBLLAACCKK ffaaccttoorryy aallaarrmm rreeaarrmm
HH22//11 LLIIGGHHTT GGRREEEENN//BBLLAACCKK ((--)) ffaaccttoorryy ddiissaarrmm oouuttppuutt