
The higher the control module is in the vehicle, the better the transmitter range will be. If you put the
control module under a seat or inside a metal dashboard, range will diminish.
Some good control module locations: above the glove box, inside the center console, above the under-dash fuse
box, above the radio, etc.
SSoommee tthhiinnggss ttoo rreemmeemmbbeerr aabboouutt wwhheerree ttoo mmoouunntt tthhee sshhoocckk sseennssoorr::
Never put the Stinger
in the engine compartment!
Find a spot close to the control module so that the wires do not need to be extended. Keep it away from the
heater core (or any other heat sources) and any obvious leaks.
HHooww tthhee SSttiinnggeerr
iiss mmoouunntteedd iiss tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt ffaaccttoorr iinn iittss ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee.. WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd ttwwoo mmeetthhooddss::
Using double-sided tape or hook-and-loop fastener to mount to a trim panel or an air duct, or
Wire-tying to a wire harness.
If mounting the sensor where it cannot be easily reached for adjustment, hook-and-loop fastening tape (such as
Velcro) is recommended for ease of removal for future adjustments.
In many vehicles, tying the sensor to a steering column or screwing it to metal will result
in poor sensitivity, especially at the rear of the vehicle.
llooccaattiioonnss ffoorr ssttiinnggeerr ddoouubblleegguuaarrdd sshhoocckk sseennssoorr