
Cisco ICS 7750 System Description
Chapter 4 Summary of System Software Features
Cisco CallManager
Key Features
Cisco CallManager is the call-processing component of the Cisco IP Telephony
Solution for the Enterprise part of Cisco AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video
and Integrated Data). The Cisco IP Telephony Applications Server provides a
high-availability server platform for Cisco CallManager call processing, services,
and applications.
Cisco CallManager supports a growing list of features in the following categories:
User features
Administrative features
Third-party applications
Cisco applications
For a complete list of features for the latest release of Cisco CallManager, refer to
the product information at:
Table 4-5 describes key features of Cisco CallManager.
Table 4-5 Key Features of Cisco CallManager
Feature Description
Software suite of integrated
voice applications
Provides functions such as voice conferencing and manual attendant
console without special-purpose voice-processing hardware.
Enhancing its capabilities at a customer location requires upgrading
software on the server platform, thereby avoiding expensive
hardware upgrade costs.
Distributed architecture across
an IP network
Improves system availability and scalability of Cisco CallManager
servers and all Cisco IP phones, gateways, and applications.
Call admission control Ensures that voice QoS is maintained across constricted WAN links
and automatically diverts calls to alternate Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) routes when WAN bandwidth is not