Cisco ICS 7750 System Description
Chapter 2 Processor Cards Feature Summary
Multiservice Route Processor Card
• Voice compression—Up to six voice calls can occupy a single 64-KB data
channel simultaneously, without compromising data performance. Cisco IOS
voice-compression technology integrates data and voice traffic to enable use
of existing data networks.
• High-performance RISC architecture—Supports VPN applications with
tunneling and security, and DSL, cable, and other broadband access
technologies. A slot on the MRP supports an optional VPN module that
provides IPSec DES and 3DES encryption at T1/E1 speeds in hardware.
• SNMP support—The ICS System Manager supports SNMP to operate with
CiscoWorks2000 to provide central monitoring and troubleshooting of
remote Cisco ICS 7750 systems.
• Data transfer—Each MRP card supports a data transfer speed of up to the
equivalent of three T1 lines, with a maximum of one T1 voice span. Also,
each MRP card supports a maximum of four data ports or four voice ports.
• Flash memory on the MRP300—The MRP300 has 16 MB of onboard Flash
memory and an expansion single in-line memory module (SIMM) slot that
can take an additional 16, 32, or 64 MB of Flash memory. A total of 80 MB
of addressable Flash memory is supported.
Technical Specifications
Table 2-4 lists the technical specifications for the MRP200 and MRP300 cards.
Table 2-4 Technical Specifications for the MRP200 and MRP300 Cards
Type Description
Board Universal card slot
Memory 64-MB DRAM (maximum 128 MB)
Memory upgrade options 16- and 32-MB DRAM
Flash memory (MRP300
Optional Flash SIMM
module (MRP300 only)
80-pin SIMM module for adding up to 64 MB of Flash memory, using a
single 16-, 32-, or 64-MB Flash SIMM
Optional cards Two modular VIC, WIC, or VWIC card slots per MRP card