Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
C.2 C.2.3 Defaults by Card
Threshold defaults are defined for near end and/or far end, at 15-minute and one-day intervals.
Thresholds are further broken down by type, such as Section, Line, STS, or VT for performance
monitoring (PM) thresholds, and TCA (warning) or Alarm for physical thresholds. PM threshold types
define the layer to which the threshold applies. Physical threshold types define the level of response
expected when the threshold is crossed.
Note For full descriptions of the thresholds you can set for each card, see Chapter 15, “Performance
Note For additional information regarding PM parameter threshold defaults as defined by Telcordia
specifications, refer to Telcordia GR-820-CORE and GR-253-CORE.
C.2.3 Defaults by Card
In the tables that follow, card defaults are defined by the default name, its factory-configured value, and
the domain of allowable values that you can assign to it.
Note Some default values, such as certain thresholds, are interdependent. Before changing a value, review the
domain for that default and any other related defaults for potential dependencies.
C.2.3.1 DS-1 Card Default Settings
Table C-1 lists the DS-1 (DS1-14 and DS1N-14) card default settings.
Table C-1 DS-1 Card Default Settings
Default Name Default Value Default Domain
DS1.config.AINSSoakTime 08:00 (hours:mins) 00:00, 00:15, 00:30 .. 48:00
DS1.config.LineCoding AMI B8ZS, AMI
DS1.config.LineLength 0 - 131 ft 0 - 131 ft, 132 - 262 ft, 263 - 393 ft, 394 - 524 ft, 525
- 655 ft
DS1.config.LineType D4 ESF, D4, UNFRAMED
DS1.config.SDBER 1E-7 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9
DS1.config.SFBER 1E-4 1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5
DS1.pmthresholds.line.farend.15min.ES 65 (seconds) 0 - 900
DS1.pmthresholds.line.farend.1day.ES 648 (seconds) 0 - 86400
DS1.pmthresholds.line.nearend.15min.CV 13340 (BPV
0 - 1388700
DS1.pmthresholds.line.nearend.15min.ES 65 (seconds) 0 - 900
DS1.pmthresholds.line.nearend.15min.LOSS 10 (seconds) 0 - 900
DS1.pmthresholds.line.nearend.15min.SES 10 (seconds) 0 - 900