Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 11 Circuits and Tunnels
11.18 11.18.2 Roll Status
• Roll From Circuit—The circuit that has connections that will no longer be used when the process is
• Roll From Path— The old path that is being rerouted.
• Roll To Path—The new path where the Roll From Path is rerouted.
• Complete—Completes a manual roll after a valid signal is received. You can do this when a manual
roll is in a ROLL_PENDING status and you have not yet completed the roll or have not cancelled
its sibling roll.
• Force Valid Signal—Forces a roll onto the Roll To Circuit destination without a valid signal.
Note If you choose Force Valid Signal, traffic on the circuit that is involved in the roll will be
dropped when the roll is completed.
• Finish—Completes the circuit processing of both manual and automatic rolls and changes the circuit
status from ROLL_PENDING to DISCOVERED. After a roll, the Finish button also removes any
cross-connects that are no longer used from the Roll From Circuit field.
• Cancel—Cancels the roll process.
Note When the roll mode is Manual, cancelling a roll is only allowed before you click the
Complete button. When the roll mode is Auto, cancelling a roll is only allowed before a good
signal is detected by the node or before clicking the Force Valid Signal button.
11.18.2 Roll Status
Table 11-18 lists the roll statuses.
Table 11-18 Roll Statuses
State Description
ROLL_PENDING Roll is awaiting completion or cancellation.
ROLL_COMPLETED Roll is complete. Click the Finish button.
ROLL_CANCELLED Roll has been canceled.
TL1_ROLL A TL1 roll was initiated.
Note If a roll is created using TL1, a CTC user cannot complete or
cancel the roll. Also, if a roll is created using CTC, a TL1 user
cannot complete or cancel the roll. You must use the same
interface to complete or change a roll.
INCOMPLETE This state appears when the underlying circuit becomes incomplete. To
correct this state, you must fix the underlying circuit problem before the
roll state will change.
For example, a circuit traveling on Nodes A, B, and C can become
INCOMPLETE if Node B is rebooted. The cross-connect information
is lost on Node B during a reboot. The Roll State on Nodes A and C will
change to INCOMPLETE.