
Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 15 Performance Monitoring
15.9 15.9.1 FC_MR-4 Statistics Window
CTC provides FC_MR-4 performance information, including line-level parameters, port bandwidth
consumption, and historical statistics. The FC_MR-4 card performance information is divided into the
Statistics, Utilization, and History tabbed windows within the card view Performance tab window.
15.9.1 FC_MR-4 Statistics Window
The Statistics window lists parameters at the line level. The Statistics window provides buttons to change
the statistical values shown. The Baseline button resets the displayed statistics values to zero. The
Refresh button manually refreshes statistics. Auto-Refresh sets a time interval at which automatic
refresh occurs. The Statistics window also has a Clear button. The Clear button sets the values on the
card to zero. All counters on the card are cleared. Table 15-27 defines the FC_MR-4 card statistics
Table 15-27 FC_MR-4 Statistics Parameters
Parameter Definition
Time Last Cleared Time stamp indicating the time at which the statistics were last
Link Status Indicates whether the Fibre Channel link is receiving a valid Fibre
Channel signal (carrier) from the attached Fibre Channel device;
up means present, and down means not present.
ifInOctets Number of bytes received without error for the Fibre Channel
rxTotalPkts Number of Fibre Channel frames received without errors.
ifInDiscards Number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even
though no errors had been detected to prevent their being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for
discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
ifInErrors Sum of frames that are oversized, undersized, or with cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) error.
ifOutOctets Number of bytes transmitted without error for the Fibre Channel
txTotalPkts Number of Fibre Channel frames transmitted without errors.
ifOutDiscards Number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded
even though no errors had been detected to prevent their
transmission. A possible reason for discarding such packets could
be to free up buffer space.
gfpStatsRxSBitErrors Number of single bit errors in core header error check (CHEC).
gfpStatsRxMBitErrors Number of multiple bit errors in CHEC.
gfpStatsRxTypeInvalid Number of invalid generic framing procedure (GFP) type field
received. This includes unexpected user payload identifier (UPI)
type and also errors in CHEC.
gfpStatsRxSblkCRCErrors Number of super block CRC errors.
gfpStatsRoundTripLatencyUSec Round trip delay for the end-to-end Fibre Channel transport in
milli seconds.