
Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
11.21 VLAN Management 11-44
11.22 Server Trails 11-44
12 SONET Topologies and Upgrades 12-1
12.1 SONET Rings and TCC2/TCC2P Cards 12-1
12.2 Bidirectional Line Switched Rings 12-2
12.2.1 Two-Fiber BLSRs 12-2
12.2.2 Four-Fiber BLSRs 12-5
12.2.3 BLSR Bandwidth 12-8
12.2.4 BLSR Application Example 12-9
12.2.5 BLSR Fiber Connections 12-12
12.3 Dual-Ring Interconnect 12-13
12.3.1 BLSR DRI 12-14
12.4 Comparison of the Protection Schemes 12-18
12.5 Linear ADM Configurations 12-19
12.6 Path-Protected Mesh Networks 12-19
12.7 Four-Shelf Node Configurations 12-21
12.8 OC-N Speed Upgrades 12-22
12.8.1 Span Upgrade Wizard 12-24
12.8.2 Manual Span Upgrades 12-24
12.9 In-Service Topology Upgrades 12-25
12.9.1 Unprotected Point-to-Point or Linear ADM to Path Protection 12-26
12.9.2 Point-to-Point or Linear ADM to Two-Fiber BLSR 12-26
12.9.3 Path Protection to Two-Fiber BLSR 12-27
12.9.4 Two-Fiber BLSR to Four-Fiber BLSR 12-27
12.9.5 Add or Remove a Node from a Topology 12-27
13 Management Network Connectivity 13-1
13.1 IP Networking Overview 13-1
13.2 IP Addressing Scenarios 13-2
13.2.1 IP Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454s on Same Subnet 13-3
13.2.2 IP Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 Nodes Connected to a Router 13-3
13.2.3 IP Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 Gateway 13-4
13.2.4 IP Scenario 4: Default Gateway on a CTC Computer 13-6
13.2.5 IP Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs 13-7
13.2.6 IP Scenario 6: Using OSPF 13-10
13.2.7 IP Scenario 7: Provisioning the ONS 15454 SOCKS Proxy Server 13-12
13.2.8 IP Scenario 8: Dual GNEs on a Subnet 13-18