Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 14 Alarm Monitoring and Management
14.5 14.5.2 Alarm Profile Buttons
Note Up to 10 profiles, including the two reserved profiles (Inherited and Default) can be stored in CTC.
Wherever it is applied, the Default alarm profile sets severities to standard Telcordia GR-253 settings.
In the Inherited profile, alarms inherit, or copy, severity from the next-highest level. For example, a card
with an Inherited alarm profile copies the severities used by the node housing the card. If you choose the
Inherited profile from the network view, the severities at the lower levels (node and card) are copied from
this selection.
You do not have to apply a single severity profile to the node, card, and port alarms. Different profiles
can be applied at different levels. You could use the inherited or default profile on a node and on all cards
and ports, but apply a custom profile that downgrades an alarm on one particular card. For example, you
might choose to downgrade an OC-N unequipped path alarm (UNEQ-P) from Critical (CR) to Not
Alarmed (NA) on an optical card because this alarm raises and then clears every time you create a circuit.
UNEQ-P alarms for the card with the custom profile would not display on the Alarms tab. (But they
would still be recorded on the Conditions and History tabs.)
When you modify severities in an alarm profile:
• All Critical (CR) or Major (MJ) default or user-defined severity settings are demoted to Minor (MN)
in Non-Service-Affecting (NSA) situations as defined in Telcordia GR-474.
• Default severities are used for all alarms and conditions until you create a new profile and apply it.
The Load and Store buttons are not available for Retrieve and Maintenance users.
The Delete and Store options will only display nodes to delete profiles from or store profiles to if the
user has provisioning permission for those nodes. If the user does not have the proper permissions, CTC
greys out the buttons and they are not available to the user.
14.5.2 Alarm Profile Buttons
The Alarm Profiles window displays six buttons at the bottom of the window. Table 14-7 lists and
describes each of the alarm profile buttons and their functions.
Table 14-7 Alarm Profile Buttons
Button Description
New Creates a new profile.
Load Loads a profile to a node or a file.
Store Saves profiles on a node (or nodes) or in a file.
Delete Deletes profiles from a node.
Compare Displays differences between alarm profiles (for example, individual alarms that
are not configured equivalently between profiles).
Available Displays all profiles available on each node.
Usage Displays all entities (nodes and alarm subjects) present in the network and which
profiles contain the alarm. Can be printed.