Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 11 Circuits and Tunnels
11.17 11.17.4 VCAT Circuit Size
Use the Members tab in the Edit Circuit window to add or delete members from a VCAT circuit. The
capability to add or delete members depends on the card and whether the VCAT circuit is LCAS,
SW-LCAS, or non-LCAS.
• CE-100T-8 cards—You can add or delete members to an LCAS VCAT circuit without affecting
service. Before deleting a member of an LCAS VCAT circuit, Cisco recommends that you put the
member in the OOS-MA,OOG service state. If you create non-LCAS VCAT circuits, adding and
deleting members to the circuit is possible, but service-affecting.
• CE-1000-4 cards—You can add or delete SW-LCAS VCAT members, although it might affect
service. Before deleting a member, Cisco recommends that you put the member in the
OOS-MA,OOG service state. If you create non-LCAS VCAT circuits, adding and deleting members
to the circuit is possible, but service-affecting.
• FC_MR-4 (enhanced mode) card—You can add or delete SW-LCAS VCAT members, although it
might affect service. Before deleting a member, Cisco recommends that you put the member in the
OOS-MA,OOG service state. You cannot add or delete members from non-LCAS VCAT circuits on
FC_MR-4 cards.
• FC_MR-4 (line mode) card—All VCAT circuits using FC_MR-4 (line mode) cards have a fixed
number of members; you cannot add or delete members.
• ML-Series cards—All VCAT circuits using ML-Series cards have a fixed number of members; you
cannot add or delete members.
Table 11-17 summarizes the VCAT capabilities for each card.
FC_MR-4 (line rate mode) STS-1 24 (1 Gbps port)
48 (2 Gbps port)
STS-3c 8 (1 Gbps port)
16 (2 Gbps port)
FC_MR-4 (enhanced mode) STS-1 1–24 (1 Gbps port)
1–48 (2 Gbps port)
STS-3c 1–8 (1 Gbps port)
1–16 (2 Gbps port)
ML-Series STS-1, STS-3c,
1. A VCAT circuit with a CE-Series card as a source or destination and an ML-Series card as a source or
destination can have only two members.
Table 11-16 ONS 15454 Card VCAT Circuit Rates and Members (continued)
Card Circuit Rate Number of Members
Table 11-17 ONS 15454 VCAT Card Capabilities
Card Mode
Add a
Delete a
CE-100T-8 LCAS Yes
Non-LCAS Yes