D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 RADXPNTS EN | 99
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
Bypassing a 24-hour point: When a 24-hour point or
24-hour Supervisory point is bypassed, 24 HOUR
BYPASS scrolls continuously at the keypad.
P## BP Retrnable
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Bypassing a Fire Point: FIRE BYPASS scrolls to
indicate that a 24-hour Fire point or a Fire Supervisory
point is bypassed.
This point automatically returns to
the system when the area is
Alternative to a 24-hour Point: For
alarm capability of a 24-hour point
This point stays out of the system
through arming and disarming
without the continuous scrolling, use a
Perimeter point with a Point Response of
9 to E.
Use this option to return a point that was bypassed,
force armed, or swinger bypassed back into the
system when the area to which this point is assigned
is disarmed. This option applies to all point types.
Set this item to No for Interlock points.
When the point cannot return to the
system through disarming, the point must
be manually unbypassed using the
Unbypass?, keypad function, Sked
Functions 4 and 5, or remote
programming software (RPS).
For Force Armed points to remain
bypassed, ensure that P## FA Retrnable
is set to No.
P## Bypassable
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
This point can be bypassed and
force armed.
This point cannot be bypassed or
force armed from the keypad or
remote programming software
(RPS); however, it can be force
armed by automatic arming at the
end of the Closing Window (refer to
the A# Auto Close prompt in
2.9.5 Open/Close Options
on page
43 or by a Sked
programmed to arm the area.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to No.
Use this option to allow this point to be bypassed or
force armed.
If the P## Bypassable option is set to
Yes, a point can be bypassed in several
Table 31ways. Refer to .
Table 31: Bypassing a Point
Bypass with: Report sent:
Command Bypass
Keypad using the Bypass?
Keypad using Command 0 Command Bypass
Sked Function 3 Sked Bypass
RPS Bypass
Remote programming software
RPS Bypass is sent at the end of the RPS session.
If the P## Swinger Byps option is set
to Yes, a point is automatically bypassed
after the fourth alarm or trouble report is
sent. A swinger Bypass report is sent at
the same time.
Programming Bypassable as Yes for
Cross Points can cause missed Cross-
Point alarms. For example, if Points 1
and 2 were programmed as Cross Points
and Point 1 was Bypassed or Force
Armed, Point 2 cannot generate an Alarm
Cross Point Event. Point 2 can; however,
generate an Unverified or Alarm Event
depending on how the point was faulted.
Be careful when using this feature with
Cross Point applications.