
D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 42
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
Select the bell pattern this area uses to signal an
alarm on a Fire point.
Default: 1
Press the [Space] bar to scroll through the selections.
Press [Enter] when the correct selection appears in
the display.
1 to 8
Enter the area number you are programming.
When an alarm occurs on two Fire
points sharing the same relay, the bell
A# Fire Time
pattern of the most recent fire event
Default: 6 min
takes precedence.
1 min to 90 min
A# Burg Time
Enter the number of minutes the bell rings for Fire
Alarm points. The relay activated for this time is
programmed in A# Fire Bell in Area Relays.
Default: 6 min
1 to 90 min (in one-minute
The bell output begins as soon as the fire alarm
occurs. It shuts off the bell when the programmed
number of minutes expires.
If programmed for 1 min, the output can be anywhere
from 0 to 60 sec of bell time. Program Fire Time for 2
min or more to ensure you have ample output time.
To meet UL 864 requirements, program
A# Fire Time for at least 5 min. Check
with your AHJ to determine the
appropriate bell time for your
geographical area.
A# Fire Pat
Default: Pulse
Steady, Pulse, CaStnd, TmCod3
Steady Steady Output
Pulse Pulse March Time
120 beats per minute, at an even
CaStnd California Standard
10 sec On + 5 sec Off + 10 sec On +
5 sec Off. This sequence repeats
until bell time expires.
TmCod3 Temporal Code 3
0.5 sec On, 0.5 sec Off, 0.5 sec On,
0.5 sec Off, 0.5 sec On, 1.5 sec Off;
pattern repeats. This sequence
repeats for a minimum of 3 min and
with a ± 10% tolerance.
4 min for UL
5 min for ULC
Enter the number of minutes the bell rings for
Burglary Alarm points. The relay activated for this
time is programmed in A# Alarm Bell in Area Relays.
The bell output begins as soon as the burglary alarm
occurs. It shuts off the bell when the programmed
number of minutes expires.
When the control panel’s internal clock begins a new
minute, it considers the first minute expired. Program
Burg Time for 2 min or more.
Check with your AHJ to determine the
appropriate bell time for your
geographical area.
For SIA CP-01 Compliance:
A# Burg Time must be 6 min or more.
A# Burg Pat
Default: Steady
Steady, Pulse, CaStnd, TmCod3
Select the bell pattern this area uses to signal an
alarm on a Non-fire point.
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the
selections. Press [ENTER] when the correct selection
appears in the display.