
D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 GV2AUX EN | 134
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
Enable Ext Modem RPS Line Monitor
Default: No Default: No
Selection: Yes or No Selection: Yes or No
Enable SDI Address 88 for use with
an external modem.
Yes Not used. Keep this item set to No.
Seize Relay
Disable SDI Address 88 for use with
an external modem.
Default: No
Setting this item to Yes instructs the control panel
that SDI Address 88 is enabled for use with an
external modem. For further information on Local
RPS programming, refer to the RPS Installation and
Operation Guide (P/N: 4998141259).
Selection: Yes or No
Not used. Keep this item set to No.
Modem Init String
Default: ATE0
Setting this item to Yes disables
A to Z (capital letters only), 0 to 9,
Enhanced Communication and SDI RPS
[SPACE], ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / :
for use over a LAN or WAN.
; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _
Answer Armed
Determines which initialization string the control
panel sends to the external modem when the control
panel powers up.
Default: 7
Selection: 0 to 15
No answer when all areas are
Master Armed.
0 to 15
The control panel answers the
phone after the specified number of
rings when all areas are Master
Determines the number of rings after which the
external modem automatically answers a call if all
areas are Master Armed.
Answer Disarmed
Default: 7
Selection: 0 to 15
No answer when any area is
Perimeter Armed or Disarmed.
0 to 15
The control panel answers the
phone after the specified number of
rings when any area is Perimeter
Armed or Disarmed.
Determines the number of rings after which the
external modem automatically answers a call if any
area is Perimeter Armed or Disarmed.
If special characters are required,
Modem Init String can be programmed
successfully only from RPS. The D5200
Programmer allows only the characters
shown in the Modem Init String default
RPS Dial String
Default: ATDT
Selection: Not available
Not used.