D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 52
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
CC# Area Assign
Default: 1
1 to 8
Blank is not a valid entry.
Enter the area number where you are installing this
keypad or keypads with this address and the same
DIP switch settings.
CC# Scope
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Panel Wide, Custom, No Keypad,
Area, and Account
A panel-wide keypad can view
information and perform Arming and
Disarming functions for all areas in
the control panel. A panel-wide
keypad can cross account
boundaries. This is normally used
with a master area.
Account An Account keypad can view
information, and perform Arming and
Disarming functions for all areas with
the same A# Acct Number, in Area
Parameters. This is normally used for
an associate area.
Area An area keypad is restricted to
viewing information and Arming or
Disarming functions for the area to
which it is assigned.
Custom A custom keypad has no keypad
No keypad installed at this address.
CALL FOR SERVICE display shows,
indicating the control panel is not
polling this address.
This program item is used to define the areas affected
when an arming command is executed on this
keypad, the areas this keypad can view, and the
areas to which this keypad can move.
Press the [SPACE] bar to scroll through the
selections. Press [ENTER] when the correct selection
appears in the display.
In applications where keypads include
more than one area, active alarms in
remote areas must be acknowledged
before arming or disarming the local area.
The following prompt is visible only when
you program CC## Scope to Custom. If
you change the keypad scope selection
to Custom from Panel Wide, Account, or
Area, the settings from the previous CC#
Scope selection become the default
settings for the custom parameters in
CC# A1 [through A8] in Scope. Before
exiting from a custom program, check
each area and ensure that it is enabled
and disabled correctly.
CC# A1[through A8] in Scope
Default: Refer to the preceding important
Yes or No
Yes Include this area in the scope of this
No Do not include this area in the scope
of this keypad.
Determines whether any of the eight areas (Area 1 to
Area 8) and Doors (Door 1 to Door 8) are included in
the scope of this keypad for viewing status, arming or
disarming, and controlling doors from the keypad.
CC# Entr Key Rly
Default: Blank
1 to 128, A, B, C, and Blank
Blank The [ENTER] key is not used to
activate a relay.
1 to 128,
A, B, C
Assign the relay number that
activates when [ENTER] is pressed at
this keypad after the user enters a
valid pass code.
Enter Key Relay: Program the relay number that
activates momentarily for 10 sec when a user enters a
valid pass code and presses the [ENTER] key on the
keypad. Two events are generated when this function
is used: RELAY ### SET with User ID, and RELAY
### RESET without User ID. The system logs this
action as two events.
• Entering a valid code and pressing [ENTER]
silences a ringing bell.
• Using CC# Entr Key Rly for a low-level access
control strike on a door does not shunt a point.