
D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 32
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
P## Fire Events
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
Yes All events in this group print at
assigned printer.
No No events in this group print at
assigned printer.
Use this prompt to determine whether these events
print at assigned printer.
P## Burglar Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Access Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## User Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Test Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Diag Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Auto Functions Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## RPS Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Relay Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Point Event
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
P## Usr Chng Evt
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Yes or No
2.7 RPS Parameters
Use these program items to enable remote
programming software (RPS) functions in the control
panel using the on-board phone connection. Two
other methods of remote programming are available
(external modem and LAN or WAN connection) using
RPS. Refer to Section
6.4 SDI RPS Parameters on
128 for more information on these types of
remote programming.
2.7.1 Uploading and Downloading Reports
If the control panel is programmed to send reports in
modem format, when RPS contacts the control panel
and the passcode is incorrect, the control panel
sends an RPS Access Fail Report to the D6500 or
D6600. RPS Access Fail also occurs when the call is
not terminated with either a Good-bye or Reset-bye
RPS ACCESS OK is sent according to phone routing
when a Good-bye command is entered from RPS to
terminate the call.
When a Reset-bye is used to terminate the call, a
Remote Reset Report is sent to the D6500 or D6600,
and an RPS ACCESS OK is placed into the control
panel’s event log. Reports in the event log that were
not sent before the Reset-bye are never sent to the
D6500 or D6600.
When RPS programming changes parameters, a
Parameters Changed Report is sent to the D6500 or
D6600. If any programming changes are made,
perform a Reset-bye.
When RPS contacts the control panel, the RPS
passcode and DataLock code are verified. If the
control panel’s passcode matches and the DataLock
code does not, the control panel still generates a
RPS Access OK Event; however, the session ends
To prevent the control panel from answering the
telephone automatically, enter Blank in the Answer
Armed and Answer Disarmed prompts in this