D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 GV2AUX EN | 139
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
RTS Control
Default: On
Selection: On, AutoX, Off, AutoR
On Sets RTS to on (hardware control).
Auto X
Automatically enables Xon/Xoff
(software control).
Off Sets RTS off (hardware control).
Auto R Sets this to Auto RTS.
Determines how the Request To Send (RTS) control
parameters are defined for the network interface
module (NIM). Pressing the [SPACE] bar on the
D5200 toggles through the available options.
Set this item to On when using the
External Modem feature.
DTR Control
Default: On
Selection: On, AutoD, Off
On Sets DTR to on (hardware control).
AutoD Sets this to Auto DTR.
Off Sets DTR off (hardware control).
Determines how the Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
control parameters are defined for the network
interface module (NIM). Pressing the [SPACE] bar on
the D5200 toggles through the available options.
Set this item to On when using the
External Modem feature.
9133 Supervision
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Supervise the network interface
module (NIM).
Do not supervise the network
interface module (NIM).
This item determines whether the NIM is supervised.
If the NIM is supervised, disconnecting it from the
control panel creates a Trouble SDI 88 Event and the
keypad annunciates a trouble tone and displays
Trouble SDI 88 Reports are always
reported using the account number for
Area 1.
6.7 Route Group Attempts
This section determines how many times a route
group tries the primary destination before trying the
backup destination if the primary destination fails.
This entry applies to both Phone numbers and IP
RG# 1 Attempt
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
This route group tries the primary
destination once and, if
unsuccessful, tries the backup
destination. The control panel still
makes a total of ten attempts (five to
the primary, five to the backup)
before generating a route group
Comm Fail Event.
This route group tries the primary
destination twice and, if
unsuccessful, tries the backup
destination. The control panel makes
a total of ten attempts (six to the
primary, four to the backup) before
generating a route group Comm Fail
6.8 Miscellaneous
Fire Summary Sustain
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Forces the Summary Fire relay
output to remain on after the Alarm
Silence command.
Allows Summary Fire relay output
to be silent when the Fire Alarm Bell
output is silenced and all Fire Points
return to normal.
Use this parameter to set the Summary Fire relay
output to continue or to stop after the Fire Alarm Bell
is silenced or times out. Refer to the Summary Fire
prompt in Section
2.13.2 Panel-Wide Relays on