D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 12
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
Phone 2
Default: Blank
Up to 24 characters (do not enter
Refer to the explanation of Phone 1. This number is
Phone 2, referred to in the prompts in Section
Phone 3
Default: Blank
Up to 24 characters (do not enter
Refer to the explanation of Phone 1. This number is
Phone 3, referred to in the prompts in Section
2.3 Routing.
Phone 4
Default: Blank
Up to 24 characters (do not enter
Refer to the explanation of Phone 1. This number is
Phone 4, referred to in the prompts in Section
2.2 Phone Parameters
The program items in this category describe panel-
wide characteristics for telephone dialing, receiver
format, and supervision.
Modem Format
Default: Yes
Yes or No
Yes Modem IIIa
Format: Reports identify points as
001 through 247 and pass-code User
ID codes as 000 through 249 at the
D6500 or D6600 Receiver (unless
Point/User Flag is programmed Yes;
refer to the Point/User Flag prompt
in this section). When reporting point
events, Modem IIIa
Format also sends point text to the
D6500 or D6600 as programmed in
Point Assignments.
No BFSK (2300 Hz or 1400 Hz
acknowledgment tone).
Central Station Receiver Format for Transmission
of Reports: Modem format provides many reporting
advantages over the BFSK format. Refer to the
D6500 Report Directory (P/N: 74-04651-001) for
more information about the effect of reporting
Modem Format must be set to Yes when
sending events over a network to a
D6600 Receiver.
If Modem Format is No, assign a number
to identify Duress Reports in BFSK
Duress Code (page 15).