• The illustrations in this manual may differ
from the actual software.
• Explanations in this manual assume that you
are familiar with basic operations of Windows
98. For how to use your computer and
operating system, please refer to the
respective manuals.
Table of Contents
Advanced Operations
(OpenMG Jukebox)
Names and functions of the
OpenMG Jukebox window .... 26
Menu Reference ............................. 28
OpenMG Jukebox ...................... 28
OpenMG CD Recorder.............. 30
Transferring data from the
“Memory Stick” to the computer
(Check-In) ................................. 31
On the Windows Explorer ............ 31
Uninstalling the OpenMG Jukebox
.................................................... 32
Other Information
Precautions ..................................... 33
Notes on the rechargeable battery
...................................................... 34
Troubleshooting ............................. 35
To reset the player...................... 35
What happened ? ....................... 35
Error messages ........................... 38
Specifications.................................. 40
Note on the supplied
“Magic Gate Memory Stick”...
Glossary .......................................... 41
Restrictions on copyright protection
by OpenMG.............................. 43
Looking at the controls ................. 44
Index ................................................ 46
Overview .......................................... 4
What you can do with
“Memory Stick Walkman” ... 4
On copyright protection.............. 5
On “MagicGate Memory Stick” ...
Other features............................... 7
System requirements ................... 7
About this manual ........................... 8
To use the Help files .................... 8
Getting Started
Step 1: Unpacking........................... 9
Step 2: Charging the battery........ 10
Step 3: Installing the OpenMG
Jukebox software ......................11
Basic Operations
Transferring music data from the
computer to Memory Stick
Walkman................................... 13
Listening to music with Memory
Stick Walkman ......................... 16
On other operations................... 17
On the display ............................ 17
Advanced Operations
(Memory Stick Walkman)
Playing in various modes ............. 18
Emphasizing the bass sound (BASS) ..
Playing tracks repeatedly
(REPEAT) .............................. 19
Protecting your hearing (AVLS) ..
Changing the display mode ......... 20
Locking the controls (Hold) ......... 21
Changing the settings of
Memory Stick Walkman ......... 21
To turn off the beep sound (BEEP) ...21
To change the display backlight
setting (LIGHT).................... 22
To adjust the LCD contrast
(CONTRAST) ....................... 22
To format the “Memory Stick”
(FORMAT) ............................ 23
To set the date and time
(DATE & TIME) ................... 24
Menu................................................ 25