Menu setting method
Menu setting method
For WS-710M/WS-700M:
Skip Space
This function enables you to skip (forward)
or reverse skip (rewind) a file being played
for a set period. This function is convenient
for quickly skipping to another playback
position or repeatedly playing back short
1 Select [
Forward Skip
] or
Reverse Skip
2 Set the skip space.
When [
Forward Skip
] is selected:
[File Skip] [10sec. Skip] [30sec. Skip]
[1min. Skip] [5min. Skip]
[10min. Skip]
When [
Reverse Skip
] is selected:
[File Skip] [1sec. Skip] – [5sec. Skip]
[10sec. Skip] [30sec. Skip]
[1min. Skip] [5min. Skip]
[10min. Skip]
Forward/Reverse Skip Playback:
1 Press the
button to
start playback.
2 Press the 9 or 0 button.
• The recorder will skip (forward) or
reverse skip (rewind) a set space and
start playing back.
• If there is an index mark/temp mark or
a cue closer than the skip space, the
recorder will forward skip/reverse skip to
that position.
Play Scene
Voice files recorded in the recorder and
music files downloaded from the PC can be
saved in the playback settings of your choice
to suit the different sound qualities and
playback methods.
1 Select [
Scene Select
] or
Scene Save
[Scene Select]:
Select a playback scene customized
to your preferences.
• In [Folder] mode, when the recorder
comes to the end of the last le in the
folder, [End] ashes for two seconds on
the display and the recorder stops at the
start of the rst le in the folder.
• In [All] mode, after playing the last le in
the folder, the recorder will start playing
from the rst le in the next folder. When
it comes to the end of the last le in the
recorder, [End] ashes for two seconds
on the display and the recorder stops at
the start of the rst le in the recorder.
If you change the equalizer setting, you can
enjoy the music with your favorite sound
1 Select the desired equalizer
[Off]: Disables the equalizer function.
[Rock] [Pop] [Jazz]: Enables the
equalizer function.
[User]: Select [User] to save your own
custom equalizer settings. If [User] is
selected, proceed to Step 2.
2 Select the frequency band.
[60 Hz] [250 Hz] [1 kHz] [4 kHz] [12 kHz]:
Select the frequency bandwidth
3 Select the equalizer level.
• You can select the equalizer level from
[–6] to [+6] in 1dB increments.
• The higher the decibel value, the louder
the sound.
• To change the settings again, press the
9 or 0 button and repeat the
procedure from step 2.
• [Equalizer] only works in [Music] mode.