
If the length of the text to be displayed is longer than 64 characters, the text can be incremental
or scrolling.
Broadcast Website
BWS is a local interactive service; the user selects information already received by a browser.
This “radio web” service allows the access to a limited number of websites, as chosen by the
broadcaster (“walled garden”). BWS can be rendered either by a PC or a car navigation platform
using a ¼ VGA display (320 x 240 pixels). HTML version 3.2 and a storage capacity of 256 kB
are required.
Slide Show
This application involves sequences of still pictures (JPEG or PNG). The order and presentation
time of this service are generated by the broadcaster. The transmission time depends primarily
on the file sizes of the pictures and the chosen PAD data rate. For example, a CD cover coded as
JPEG 320 x 240 requires a transmission time of 22s (PAD or packet mode data rate of 16 kbps is
assumed). No local interaction is required.
A visual component, associated with audio, would potentially greatly help radio advertisers to
increase advertising revenue. For example, instead of talking about the new model Volvo had just
released, it would be good if we could see some pictures while we hear about its great features.
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)
The DAB Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) allows programmers to signpost on a screen on the
radio their key music positions, programmes and benchmark features, and set up opportunities to
record or auto-retune the radio to their station.
Schedules can be sent to the receiver several days in advance of broadcasts, allowing
opportunity to highlight and lock listeners into a new on-air activities early on. They can also be
updated frequently to reflect last-minute changes to on-air output.
Experience of Television EPGs show that they can build station loyalty and time spent watching,
and provide a significant enhancement to recall of on-air promotional trails.
It is expected that the EPG will become a standard feature on many DAB Digital Radios, as it has
become a worldwide technical standard that can be freely adopted by receiver manufacturers.
The EPG was the result of a two-year task force made up of broadcasters and receiver
manufacturers working together within WorldDAB, the forum that promotes development of Digital
Radio to the Eureka 147 standard.
As in TV, EPG will be useful to help to user to find, preview, select, listen and record radio
programmes, particularly if there are many, possibly several hundreds, radio programmes in a
given area.
The EPG will be used to provide programme listings information for both audio and
data services and as a mechanism for the user to select services, programmes and related
content. A key requirement is that the EPG must work on a range of receivers with differing
display capabilities, resources and back-channel capabilities. To achieve this, a flexible multi-
layer structure has been defined. The EPG data is broken down into service information
(ensembles and services) and programme information (schedules, programmes, groups and
Currently there are 320 DAB radio programmes on air in the UK, including 50 in London.