1 (WIDE TV - 16:9)
Scroll up or down to the Disk Menu selection, then press ENTER to choose
the display screen format. The WIDE TV 16:9 selection delivers a screen pic-
ture of a ratio 16 units wide and 9 units high. If you output to a television with
a wide-screen format display, you should choose the 16:9 option. Once set,
please press RETURN to select and return to the immediately preceding menu
level. Press SETUP to exit from the setup menu altogether.
Scroll up or down to the Disk Menu selection, then press ENTER to choose
the display screen format. Within the Normal TV selection you may choose
LETTER BOX (full picture with black margins on top and bottom) or PAN &
SCAN (picture cropped on left and right margins). If you output a 16:9 DVD
program to a television with a traditional screen format display, you should
choose one of the two Normal TV options. Once set, please press RETURN to
select and return to the immediately preceding menu level. Press SETUP to
exit from the setup menu altogether. Please see the box to the right for a
graphic representation of picture display ratios.
7 System Setup (IV) - TV Aspect
Viewing a 16:9 image on a 4:3 traditional
screen format display with the “PAN &
SCAN” option.
Viewing a 16:9 image on a 4:3 traditional
screen format display with the “LETTER
BOX” option.
Viewing a 16:9 image on a 16:9 wide-
screen format display.