Chapter 2 Music Features 33
Using the Equalizer
You can use equalizer presets to change the sound on iPod classic to suit a particular
music genre or style. For example, to make rock music sound better, set the equalizer
to Rock.
To use the equalizer to change the sound on iPod classic:
m Choose Settings > EQ and choose an equalizer preset.
If you assigned an equalizer preset to a song in iTunes and the iPod classic equalizer is
set to Off, the song plays using the iTunes setting. See iTunes Help for more
Watching and Listening to Podcasts
Podcasts are downloadable audio or video shows you get at the iTunes Store. You can
listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts. Podcasts are organized by shows,
episodes within shows, and chapters within episodes. If you stop watching or listening
to a podcast and go back to it later, the podcast begins playing from where you left off.
To watch or listen to a podcast:
1 From the main menu, choose Podcasts, and then choose a show.
Shows appear in reverse chronological order so that you can watch or listen to the
most recent one first. You see a blue dot next to shows and episodes you haven’t
watched or listened to yet.
2 Choose an episode to play it.
The Now Playing screen displays the show and episode information, along with
elapsed and remaining time. Press the Center button to see more information about
the podcast. If the podcast includes artwork, you also see a picture. Podcast artwork
can change during an episode, so you might see several pictures during the podcast.
If the podcast you’re watching or listening to has chapters, you can press the
Next/Fast-forward or Previous/Rewind button to skip to the next chapter or the
beginning of the current chapter in the podcast.
For more information about podcasts, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.
Then search for “podcasts.”
Listening to Audiobooks
You can purchase and download audiobooks from the iTunes Store or from
audible.com and listen to them on iPod classic.