Printer Operation
Calibrate the Printer
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 35
Calibrate the Printer
There are five dif ferent ways that the printe r can be calibrated. You may calibrate the printer as
• Auto-calibration occurs when the printer feeds media after the printhead is closed and
when the printer is first turned on (see MEDIA POWER UP on page 53 and HEAD
CLOSE on page 54 for options). The printer automatically sets the value it detects for the
spaces between labels. This type of calibration also happens as part of both the sensor
profile and media and ribbon sensor calibration procedures.
• Long Calibration, which you select by pressing PAUSE then CALIBRATE, calibrates
the printer for media length, media type (continuous or non-continuous), and print mode
(thermal or direct thermal transfer) and updates the sensor values. This calibration is the
same as what is performed when Calibration is selected for the
parameters. For more information, see MEDIA POWER UP on page 53 or
HEAD CLOSE on page 54.
• Short Calibration, which is a selection for the
parameters, uses current sensor values rather than detecting the sp aces between labels and
resetting the sensors. This calib ra tio n sequence may use fewe r lab e ls th an the long
calibration sequ ence, but it is less re liable be cause the values th at are stored in the sensors
could be incorrect. For more information, see MEDIA POWER UP on page 53 or HEAD
CLOSE on page 54.
• Sensor Profile Calibration, which you select through the front panel, auto-calibrates the
printer and prints a media sensor profile. See SENSOR PROF ILE on page 49 for
• Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity Calibration, which you select through the front
panel, resets the sensitivi ty of the sensors to detect correctly the media and ribbon that y ou
are using. See Media and Ribbon Sensor Calibration on page 36 for instructions. If you
change the type of ribbon and/or media, you might need to reset the sensitivity of the
media and ribbon sensors. When the sensors are at their new sensitivity, the printer
performs an auto-calibration.