Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 75
but you insert an IP address kickstart CD-ROM built for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. This would result
in errors and cause the kickstart to fail. System Details
Kickstart Session Status —
If you’ve scheduled a kickstart, this subtab shows where the system’s kickstart stands. Details include
the kickstart profile used, its state, and pending and latest actions. Kickstarts that do not complete
within approximately two hours will be marked as failed here. Click the profile name to access the
Kickstart Details page. Click the view link to see the actual kickstart configuration file generated by
RHN. To force this page to reload at a set interval, select one from the pulldown menu and click the
Change Reload Time button. System Details
Kickstart Session History —
Displays particular points in a kickstart session’s progress. Like Session Status, this subtab appears
only if you’ve scheduled a kickstart. It lists individual actions, such as package installs, as they occur.
Click the name of an action to see information about it, including summary, details, and time. Failed
kickstarts are shown here, as well. To force this page to reload at a set interval, select one from the
pulldown menu and click the Change Reload Time button. System Details Events
Displays past, current, and scheduled actions on the system. You may cancel pending events here. The
following sections describe the Events subtabs and the features they offer. System Details
Events History
The default display of the Events tab lists the type and status of events that have failed, occurred or
are occurring. To view details of an event, click its summary in the System History list. To again view
the table, click Return to history list at the bottom of the page. System Details Events Pending
Lists events that are scheduled but have not begun. A prerequisite action is required to complete
successfully before a given action will be attempted. If an action has a prerequisite, there will not
be a checkbox available to cancel that specific action. Instead, there will be a checkbox next to the
prerequisite action; Cancelling the prerequisite action will cause the action in question to fail.
Actions can be chained in this manner so that action ’a’ requires action ’b’ which requires action ’c’.
Action ’c’ will be the first one attempted, and will be the one with the checkbox next to it until it is
completed successfully - if any action in the chain fails, the remaining actions also fail. To unschedule
a pending event, select the event and click the Cancel Events button at the bottom of the page. The
following icons indicate the type of events listed here:
— Package Event
• — Errata Event
• — Preferences Event