44 Chapter 5. Red Hat Network Registration Client
It has more configuration options than the graphical version.
You will be presented with a list of options and their current values:
0. enableProxyAuth No
1. noSSLServerURL http://xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com/XMLRPC
2. oemInfoFile /etc/sysconfig/rhn/oeminfo
3. enableProxy No
4. networkSetup Yes
5. httpProxy
6. proxyUser
7. serverURL https://xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com/XMLRPC
8. proxyPassword
9. debug No
Enter number of item to edit
return to exit, q to quit without saving :
Enter the number of the item that you want to modify, and enter a new value for the option. When
you finish changing your configuration, press [Enter] to save your changes and exit. Press [q] and then
[Enter] to quit without saving your changes.
The most common options configured are enableProxy and httpProxy to enable a proxy server.
To enable a proxy server, change the value for enableProxy to Yes and the value of httpProxy to
the name of the proxy server and port number in the format http://HOST:PORT. For example, to
use the proxy server http://squid.mysite.org on port 3128, you would change the value to
If you require a proxy username and password, set enableProxyAuth to Yes to enable
username/password authentication for the proxy, and set proxyUser and proxyPassword to the
appropriate username and password for the proxy.
To bypass SSL, in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhn_register change the protocol for serverURL
from https to http.
5.2. Starting the Red Hat Network Registration Client
You must be root to register a system with RHN. If you start the Red Hat Network Registration
Client as a standard user, you will be prompted to enter the root password before proceeding.
If your username is part of a larger organizational account, you should take caution when registering
your systems. By default, all systems registered with the Red Hat Network Registration Client end
up in the Ungrouped section of systems visible only to Organization Administrators. To ensure you re-
tain management of these systems, Red Hat recommends your organization create an activation key
associated with a specific system group and grant you permissions to that group. You may then reg-
ister your systems using that activation key and find those System Profiles within RHN immediately.
Refer to Section 2.5 Registering with Activation Keys for instructions.
To start the Red Hat Network Registration Client, use one of the following methods:
1. On the GNOMEdesktop, goto the Main MenuButton (onthe Panel) => Programs =>System
=> Red Hat Network
2. On the KDE desktop, go to the Main Menu Button (on the Panel) => System => Red Hat