148 Appendix C. Probes
• item key =" " /item
The remote program will need to output some iteration of the following code to STDOUT:
item key="data" 10 /item
item key="status_message" status message here /item
The required value for data is the data point to be inserted in the database for time-series trending.
The status_message is optional and can be whatever text string is desired with a maximum length
of 1024 bytes. Remote programs that do not include a status_message will still report the value
and status returned.
Requirements — The Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon (rhnmd) must be running on the moni-
tored system toexecute this probe.XML is case-sensitive. The dataitem key name cannot bechanged
and it must collect a number as its value.
Field Value
OK Exit Status* 0
Warning Exit Status* 1
Critical Exit Status* 2
Timeout 15
Table C-10. General::Remote Program with Data settings
C.4.3. General::SNMP Check
The General::SNMP Check probe tests your SNMP server by specifying a single object identifier
(OID) in dotted notation (such as a threshold associated with the return
value. It collects the following metric:
• Remote Service Latency — Thetime ittakes in secondsfor the SNMPserver to answera connection
Requirements —SNMP mustbe running on themonitored system to perform thisprobe. Only integers
can be used for the threshold values.
This probe’s transport protocol is User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Field Value
SNMP Community String* public
SNMP Port* 161
SNMP Version* 2
Timeout* 15