
Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent 17 Choosing RPM Packages to Exclude from the System Profile
By default, all RPM packages in your RPMdatabase are included in your System Profile tobe updated
by Red Hat Network. To exclude a package, uncheck the package from the list by clicking the check-
box beside the package name. For example, Figure 2-11 shows that the Canna-devel and Canna-libs
packages have been omitted from the package list.
Choose which packages to exclude, if any, from the System Profile, and click Forward to continue
with the registration process.
Figure 2-11. Choose which RPM Packages to Exclude from System Profile Finishing Registration
As seen in Figure 2-12, the last step of registration is to confirm that you want to send your System
Profile to the Red Hat Network. If you choose Cancel at this point, no information will be sent.
Clicking Forward will submit your RHN System Profile.