A taskthat is scheduled bya systemadministrator using Red HatNetwork tobe performed on one
or more client systems. For example, an action can be scheduled to update the kernel packages
on all the systems within a selected group.
Activation Key
RHN Management and Provisioning customers can generate activation keys through the RHN
website. Each unique key can then be used to register a Red Hat system, entitle the system to
RHN, subscribe the system to specific channels, and subscribe the system to RHN system groups
through the command line utility rhnreg_ks from the rhn_register package.
Base Channel
A base channel is a type of Channel that consists of a list of packages based on a specific
architecture and Red Hat release. For example, all the packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
3 for the x86 architecture make a base channel.
Bug Fix Alert
An Errata Alert that pertains to a bug fix.
Bugzilla is an online application (http://www.redhat.com/bugzilla) that allows users to commu-
nicate directly with the developers. From Bugzilla, users can submit bug reports and feature
requests for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and related open source packages.
A channel is a list of packages. Channels are used to choose packages to be installed from client
systems. Every client system must be subscribed to one Base Channel and can be subscribed to
one or more Child Channel .